Tuesday, May 28, 2013

those first-time questions people ask when trying to get to know you

q: "so what do you like to do after work?"

me: "um...."
what am i supposed to tell him?? that i watch cartoons until i sleep???

q: "are you married or in a relationship?"

me: "um... i'm just really lonely."
the awkward silence after that doesn't help the fact that i tried to be funny while telling the truth.

so i turned the tables and tried asking him a question. he mentioned he had a daughter earlier.

me: "so how old is your daughter?"
q: "she's 10, just about to turn 11."
me: "oh, nice. are you thinking about having any more kids?"

he looked down for a quick second.

q: "actually, my wife and i aren't able to have kids. we adopted our daughter 10 years ago..."

my name is george chi, and i'm terrible at meeting new people.

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