Thursday, May 30, 2013

thursday things

i had another stupid moment today. it's not nearly as bad as the previous blunder, but it's with the same guy. we'll call him bob.

i wanted to ask bob how he was doing since the last time i saw him. a normal person would ask, "hey bob, how are you doing?" i ask that question to people all the time-no problem. but this morning, for some reason i got nervous and asked him "how'd it go last night?" as if there were some previous context to go with that question. he just looked at me and i had to explain myself with "i don't know why i said that." good Lord.

today was a long day. i just looked at code all day, wondering how to get things working. i stayed at the office a little longer than normal and decided to just go back to the hotel and order room service for dinner.

these kids are so sweet and i miss them so much. they certainly put a smile on my face after such a long day, and i've already watched the videos so many times. thanks steve, for sending these to me.

day 2:

(focal length: 28 mm, m. aperture: 1.75, ISO:100, f-stop: 1.8, exposure: 1/100)

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